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Saturday, January 16, 2010

Second Life places: Matanzas Island, home of Skate Foss

Had a lovely time tonight visiting my new friend Skate Foss (who I met through Twitter) on her beautiful sim: Matanzas Island. Skate has several  lovely places for rent there for anyone who wants a tropical island refuge for their second life home. She kindly gave me a tour of the public areas for residents, as well as her own beautiful home.

We began the tour in the greenhouse, a place for residents to gather and enjoy quiet conversation, perhaps over a cup of herbal tea grown from the herbs right there.

Just outside the greenhouse is a lovely waterfall, and while the climb up the waterfall is a bit treacherous and slippery, it is well worth the surprise at the top!

Right at the top of the hill is a sheltered nook that holds a tropical rain forest complete with brightly colored birds and even the occasional rain shower.

Skate's own lovely home built of glass and stone is on the beach below.  It has a marvelous view of the ocean.

If you stop by to visit Skate, you will likely land in the public dock area for residents. There are boats for sailing and a nice beach area for swimming and for beach parties. Ask Skate to show you the homes she has for rent; each is different and all are surrounded by sand dunes offering privacy from neighbors. A peaceful and tranquil place to live. No griefers or rudeness allowed!

Matanzas is a beautiful place to see as well as a great place to live. I am delighted to be able to call Skate Foss a friend, and was honored to be invited to visit her there!

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