Got the cold weather blahs? I have a cure for that! Take your sweetheart out for a romantic evening of dance and whispered sweet nothings in

We have been decorating for the season and with the help of our fellow Serendipity Seekers have set up a huge
ice block dance floor with
Intan couples dance balls. Come whirl your darling around the dance floor to soft jazz, or cuddle in the sleigh-shaped chaise and sip a goblet of mulled wine, or take a ride with romance on the
paradise blanket. (Ours is loaded with a garden of Eden, an autumn walk in the park, a summer at the beach, a winter cabin in the woods, a '50s diner, trips all over the world, and a honeymoon suite.)

And for the ladies, if you stop by Draven's
Bird of Prey shop be sure to look for the holiday present by the door, a lovely red velvet ruffled version of his
classic "Dove" blouse, a free gift only during this holiday season. You can see me wearing it here in the picture as Draven swings me around the dance floor. If you join the "Bird of Prey" group (just click on the sign in the shop!) you will get updates on parties in Serendipity and future free fashions by Bird of Prey, too!
So stop by and visit. We'd love to see you this holiday season!
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